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Storage & the @op Decorator

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A Storage object holds all data (saved calls, code and dependencies) for a collection of memoized functions. In a given project, you should have just one Storage and many @ops connected to it. This way, the calls to memoized functions create a queriable web of interlinked objects.

# for Google Colab
    import google.colab
    !pip install git+

Creating a Storage

When creating a storage, you must decide if it will be in-memory or persisted on disk, and whether the storage will automatically version the @ops used with it:

from mandala.imports import Storage
import os

DB_PATH = 'my_persistent_storage.db'
if os.path.exists(DB_PATH):

storage = Storage(
    # omit for an in-memory storage
    # omit to disable automatic dependency tracking & versioning
    # use "__main__" to only track functions defined in the current session

Creating @ops and saving calls to them

Any Python function can be decorated with @op:

from mandala.imports import op

def sum_args(a, *args, b=1, **kwargs):
    return a + sum(args) + b + sum(kwargs.values())

In general, calling sum_args will behave as if the @op decorator is not there. @op-decorated functions will interact with a Storage instance only when called inside a with storage: block:

with storage: # all `@op` calls inside this block use `storage`
    s = sum_args(6, 7, 8, 9, c=11,)
AtomRef(42, hid=168...)

This code runs the call to sum_args, and saves the inputs and outputs in the storage object, so that doing the same call later will directly load the saved outputs.

When should something be an @op?

As a general guide, you should make something an @op if you want to save its outputs, e.g. if they take a long time to compute but you need them for later analysis. Since @op encourages composition, you should aim to have @ops work on the outputs of other @ops, or on the collections and/or items of outputs of other @ops.

Working with @op outputs (Refs)

The objects (e.g. s) returned by @ops are always instances of a subclass of Ref (e.g., AtomRef), i.e. references to objects in the storage. Every Ref contains two metadata fields:

  • cid: a hash of the content of the object
  • hid: a hash of the computational history of the object, which is the precise composition of @ops that created this ref.

Two Refs with the same cid may have different hids, and hid is the unique identifier of Refs in the storage. However, only 1 copy per unique cid is stored to avoid duplication in the storage.

Refs can be in memory or not

Additionally, Refs have the in_memory property, which indicates if the underlying object is present in the Ref or if this is a "lazy" Ref which only contains metadata. Refs are only loaded in memory when needed for a new call to an @op. For example, re-running the last code block:

with storage: 
    s = sum_args(6, 7, 8, 9, c=11,)
AtomRef(hid=168..., in_memory=False)

To get the object wrapped by a Ref, call storage.unwrap:

storage.unwrap(s) # loads from storage only if necessary

Other useful Storage methods

  • Storage.attach(inplace: bool): like unwrap, but puts the objects in the Refs if they are not in-memory.
  • Storage.load_ref(hid: str, in_memory: bool): load a Ref by its history ID, optionally also loading the underlying object.
print(storage.attach(obj=s, inplace=False))
AtomRef(42, hid=168...)
AtomRef(42, hid=168...)

Working with Call objects

Besides Refs, the other kind of object in the storage is the Call, which stores references to the inputs and outputs of a call to an @op, together with metadata that mirrors the Ref metadata:

  • Call.cid: a content ID for the call, based on the @op's identity, its version at the time of the call, and the cids of the inputs
  • Call.hid: a history ID for the call, the same as Call.cid, but using the hids of the inputs.

For every Ref history ID, there's at most one Call that has an output with this history ID, and if it exists, this call can be found by calling storage.get_ref_creator():

call = storage.get_ref_creator(ref=s)
Call(sum_args, hid=f99...)

{'a': AtomRef(hid=c6a..., in_memory=False),
 'args_0': AtomRef(hid=e0f..., in_memory=False),
 'args_1': AtomRef(hid=479..., in_memory=False),
 'args_2': AtomRef(hid=c37..., in_memory=False),
 'b': AtomRef(hid=610..., in_memory=False),
 'c': AtomRef(hid=a33..., in_memory=False)}

{'output_0': AtomRef(hid=168..., in_memory=False)}