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Natively handling Python collections

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A key benefit of mandala over straightforward memoization is that it can make Python collections (lists, dicts, ...) a native & transparent part of the memoization process:

  • @ops can return collections where each item is a separate Ref, so that later @op calls can work with individual elements;
  • @ops can also accept as input collections where each item is a separate Ref, to e.g. implement aggregation operations over them.
  • collections can reuse the storage of their items: if two collections share some elements, each shared element is stored only once in storage.
  • the relationship between a collection and each of its items is a native part of the computational graph of @op calls, and can be propagated automatically by ComputationFrames. Indeed, collections are implemented as @ops internally.

Input/output collections must be explicitly annotated

By default, any collection passed as @op input or output will be stored as a single Ref with no structure; the object is opaque to the Storage instance. To make the collection transparent to the Storage, you must override this behavior explicitly by using a custom type annotation, such as MList for lists, MDict for dicts, ...:

# for Google Colab
    import google.colab
    !pip install git+
from mandala.imports import Storage, op, MList

storage = Storage()

def average(nums: MList[float]) -> float:
    return sum(nums) / len(nums)

with storage:
    a = average([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

We can understand how the list was made transparent to the storage by inspecting the computation frame:

cf =; cf.draw(verbose=True, orientation='LR')


We see that the internal __make_list__ operation was automatically applied to create a list, which is then the Ref passed to average.

How collections interact with ComputationFrames

In general, CFs are turned into dataframes that capture the joint history of the final Refs in the CF. When there are collection @ops in the CF, a single Ref (such as the element of nums above) can depend on multiple Refs in another variable (such as the Refs in the elts variable).

We can observe this by taking the dataframe of the above CF:

|    | elts                             | __make_list__                   | nums            | average                   |   var_0 |
|  0 | ValueCollection([2, 4, 1, 3, 5]) | Call(__make_list__, hid=172...) | [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] | Call(average, hid=38e...) |       3 |

There's only a single row, but in the elts column we see a ValueCollection object, indicating that there are multiple Refs in elts that are dependencies of output_0.