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This notebook lists some things that can go wrong when using mandala, and how to avoid and/or fix them.

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    import google.colab
    !pip install git+

Versioning tips

Avoiding overhead when versioning large global variables

If you use versioning (by passing the deps_path=... argument to a Storage), mandala will automatically track the content hashes of any global variables accessed by your @ops.

This is a useful way to avoid a class of bugs, but can also lead to significant overhead if you have large global variables, because each time a with storage: context is entered, mandala will compute the hashes of all known global variables to check for changes, which can be slow.

To overcome this, if you have a large global variable that you know will not change often, you can effectively manually pre-compute its hash so that mandala does not need to recompute it each time. This can be done by simply wrapping the global in a Ref object, and then using ref.obj when you want to access the underlying object in a function.

import numpy as np
from mandala.imports import wrap_atom, op, Storage, track

LARGE_GLOBAL = wrap_atom(np.ones((10_000, 5000)))

def test_op(x):
    return x + LARGE_GLOBAL.obj

storage = Storage(deps_path='__main__', strict_tracing=False)
with storage:
    y = test_op(0)

You can check that now (unlike the case when you don't wrap the global), retracing the memoized code takes very little time because the hash of the large global variable is not recomputed:

with storage:
    y = test_op(0)

You can also see the object reflected in the version of test_op:

│ ### Dependencies for version of function test_op from module __main__                                           │
│ ### content_version_id=0b20075a89aec9dc391db79ff1d0aef6                                                         │
│ ### semantic_version_id=4360b08a7c57f017bbebbdec2fbd92b3                                                        │
│                                                                                                                 │
│ ################################################################################                                │
│ ### IN MODULE "__main__"                                                                                        │
│ ################################################################################                                │
│ LARGE_GLOBAL = AtomRef(array([[1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.], [1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., [...]                    │
│                                                                                                                 │
│ @op                                                                                                             │
│ def test_op(x):                                                                                                 │
│     return x + LARGE_GLOBAL.obj                                                                                 │
│                                                                                                                 │

Caveats of hashing

If x == y, this doesn't guarantee that x and y will have the same content hash

from mandala.utils import get_content_hash

print(f'Is 1 == True? {1 == True}')
print(f'Is the hash of 1 == the hash of True? {get_content_hash(1) == get_content_hash(True)}')
print(f'Is 23 == 23.0? {23 == 23.0}')
print(f'Is the hash of 23 == the hash of 23.0? {get_content_hash(23) == get_content_hash(23.0)}')
Is 1 == True? True
Is the hash of 1 == the hash of True? False
Is 23 == 23.0? True
Is the hash of 23 == the hash of 23.0? False

Hashing numerical values is sensitive to precision and type

All three of the values 42, 42.0, 42.000000001 have different content hashes:

from mandala.utils import get_content_hash


It's possible to define custom types that will be insensitive to types and rounding errors when hashed, but this is currently not implemented.

Non-deterministic hashes for complex objects

Below we illustrate several potentially confusing behaviors that are hard to eradicate in general: - even if we set all random seeds properly, certain computations (e.g., training a scikit-learn model) result in objects with non-deterministic content IDs - certain objects can change their content ID after making a roundtrip through the serialization-deserialization pipeline

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.datasets import load_digits
import random
import numpy as np

from mandala.utils import get_content_hash, serialize, deserialize

X, y = load_digits(n_class=10, return_X_y=True)

def train_model():
    ### set both the numpy and python random seed
    ### train a model, passing the random_state explicitly
    model = RandomForestClassifier(max_depth=2, 
                                n_estimators=100, random_state=42).fit(X, y)
    return model

### training in the exact same way will produce different content hashes
model_1 = train_model()
model_2 = train_model()
print(f'Content IDs of the two models: {get_content_hash(model_1)} and {get_content_hash(model_2)}')

### a roundtrip serialization will produce a different content hash
roundtrip_model_1 = deserialize(serialize(model_1))
print(f'Content IDs of the original and restored model: {get_content_hash(model_1)} and {get_content_hash(roundtrip_model_1)}')
Content IDs of the two models: c8d1485ebe003581fb2019b73a2de97a and c8d1485ebe003581fb2019b73a2de97a
Content IDs of the original and restored model: c8d1485ebe003581fb2019b73a2de97a and c8d1485ebe003581fb2019b73a2de97a

Why is this hard to get rid of in general? One pervasive issue is that some custom Python objects, e.g. many kinds of ML models and even pytorch tensors, create internal state related to system resources, such as memory layout. These can be different between objects that otherwise have semantically equivalent state, leading to different content hashes. It is impossible to write down a hash function that always ignores these aspects for arbitrary classes, because we don't know how to interpret which attributes of the object are semantically meaningful and which are contingent.

What should you do about it? This issue does come up that often in practice. Note that this is not an issue for many kinds of objects, such as primitive Python types and nested python collections thereof, as well as some other types like numpy arrays. If you always pass as inputs to @ops objects like this, or Refs obtained from other @ops, this issue will not come up. Indeed, if "unwieldy" objects are always results of @ops, a single copy of each such object will be saved and deserialized every time.

This problem does, however, make it very difficult to detect when your @ops have side effects.